Sunday 22 October 2017

Forex Black Bok Medlemmer Området

Forex Black Book Review Unveils Dustin Pass39s nye Forex Trading Software Forex Black Book Forex Black Book av Dustin Pass er en omfattende treningsguide som nå gir den informasjonen som trengs for å profesjonelt dra nytte av valutahandel. New York, NY (PRWEB) 13. februar 2013 Bestående av fem treningsmoduler pluss bonusmaterialer, er Forex Black Book av Dustin Pass skrevet for folk som sliter økonomisk og ikke i stand til å konsekvent tjene inntekt med sin handel. Det er også designet for å innpode kunnskap og ferdigheter for handelsmenn til å jobbe på profesjonelt nivå, samtidig som de har intuisjon for å hoppe på riktig handel til rett tid. Opplæringsboken er organisert i fem moduler. Den første, Module 1 Forex Market Introduksjon, starter med det grunnleggende og forklarer forfatterens handelsstrategi, med vilkår, diagrammer og andre grunnleggende begreper som dekkes. Modul 2 Trading Analysis støtter forfatterens mål om å gjøre leserne lønnsomme og gi et pedagogisk verktøy. De riktige måtene å identifisere støtte og motstand, identifisere trendlinjer, og å analysere markedet er innarbeidet i dette segmentet, med sikte på å lære å forstå markedet i stedet for bare å bruke kunnskap om indikatorer. Modul 3 Forex Black Book Software dekker et tilpasset program som gir innsikt i retningen av handel, inngangssignaler og mål, slik at man vet når man skal avslutte en handel. Å vite at programvaren er en ting å kunne ta informerte beslutninger ved å bruke alle dataene, er et helt annet spill. Ytterligere innsikt i handelstiltak er gitt i Module 4 Trading med Black Book Indicator. Forex Black Book hjelper brukerne å utføre handler samtidig som de sparer tid og krefter. I Modul 5 Personal Trading Plan er nybegynnere presentert med en oversikt over hvordan de skal lage sin personlige handelsplan. Målet her er å starte med en strategi. Disse er imidlertid ikke alle. Tilbudet kommer også med bonusfunksjoner som tre måneders bankstrømdata, noe som gir et syn på handelstrinnene som store banker planlegger. I tillegg er Trade Finder-programvare inkludert i pakken, et program som skanner markedet og varsler brukere av nøkkelferdigheter. En daglig handel analyse er kjernen i den endelige bonusen, med analyser levert av trener Ross Mullins. Tre måneder med fri tilgang er også gitt for denne funksjonen. Samlet sett utgjør frihandelsanalysen en verdi på 1107. Hele kurset leveres med en pengene tilbake-garanti hvis man ikke er fornøyd med den innen 30 dager, en full refusjon tilbys. Forex Black Book er tilgjengelig nå til forex trading markedet. For umiddelbar tilgang til programmet, klikk her. Del artikkel om sosialmedier eller e-post: Den komplette ALR-gjennomgangen Hvordan kan et produkt som Advanced Loss Recovery (ALR) hjelpe deg med å redusere tap på Forex-markedet. Det er ting du kan gjøre for å lette tap av handler , men ingen har noen gang virkelig vært i stand til å redusere dette problemet ned til et ikke-problem. Dette nye produktet kommer ut krav på å kunne eliminere problemet med tap i Forex trading. Dette virker som om det kan være en farfetched krav. men det er tilsynelatende mye sannhet til det. Den gode nyheten med dette produktet er at du kan integrere det med enhver strategi som du kanskje allerede bruker. Dette gjør det bra for både avanserte handelsmenn og nybegynnere. Forutsetningen er enkel. La oss si at du profitterer med 70 prosent av din handel. Det betyr at 30 prosent er et tap. I stedet for bare å la de pengene oppveie resten av inntekten din i Forex-markedet, er Advanced Loss Recovery nå i stand til å ta disse tapene og gjøre dem til noe mer nøytral8211a, bryte jevnt punkt. Det høres altfor godt ut til å være sant, gjør det ikke Før du avviser det, tenk på dette spørsmålet: hvem er de mest lønnsomme handelsmenn der ute Det er ikke deg eller jeg er de institusjonelle handelsmenn som de store investeringsselskapene, bankene og hedgefondene. De er mer lønnsomme enn oss for en stor grunn8211 de har mye mer penger å kaste seg rundt. Og det er en ting som disse institusjonene gjør at du og jeg ikke kan trygt. De bruker ikke for mye stopppunkter. Dette er en god ting for dem siden stopper pleier å koste penger og de er et klart tap. En strategi som de bruker, er, i stedet for et stopp, de tar bare en omvendt posisjon. Så hvis de var lange på USDJPY, og det går mot dem, er de nå i stand til bare å plukke opp en kort posisjon i motsetning til deres andre posisjon. Dette kan gjøres så lenge som nødvendig hvis det er nok penger, og sluttresultatet er at du ikke mister penger og bare får penger når den første handelen pander ut. Alle kan bruke det Dette er komplisert, og det ville ikke fungere hvis du ikke var automatisert. Fordi det fungerer som en robot. absolutt alle kan bruke den. Så lenge du har en MetaTrader-konto og bruker en anerkjent Forex megler, når du har satt opp, kan du virkelig tjene penger på dette på en konsistent basis. Historie viser det fungerer Du kan være bekymret for å ha for mange handler åpne samtidig. I teorien vil det være mulig for hundrevis av bransjer å fortsette å åpne automatisk ettersom posisjonene dine fortsatte å vende og gå imot det du nettopp hadde gjort. Men da produktet ble testet, fant de at det var sjelden at mange handler åpnet på en gang. Faktisk var det aldri mer enn 12 bransjer åpne på en gang for ett valutapar. De gikk tilbake gjennom mer enn sju års data for å finne ut dette og sørge for at det er realistisk. Det viser seg, det er mye mer realistisk enn de mistenkte først. Tap blir gevinst Du vil fortsatt ha tap med dette produktet, men de er bare øyeblikkelige. Du vil bare tape penger til det punktet der din første handel blir det rette trekket. Eventuelle tap som skjer, er motvirket, vanligvis innen få timer. Det er et veldig spennende produkt, og det har potensial til å revolusjonere Forex trading verden. Det krever en profesjonell pengehåndteringsstrategi som allerede har vist seg å virke og gir deg automatisk. Det er også et medlemsområde for deg å gå og chatte hvis du har noen spørsmål. Hvis du er en ny handelsmann, trenger du ikke å bekymre deg. Det er kampanjer som gis med lanseringen av dette produktet, inkludert en lettbegrepet8211-bok, som heter Forex Black Book. Denne boken har retailed for 2000 i fortiden på grunn av den store suksessen som den har brakt handelsmenn. Hvis du ikke har en konkret handelsstrategi som du bruker, vil de i hovedsak gi deg en for å få deg til å hoppe, slik at du kan begynne å tjene penger fort. Hvis du finner ut at du trenger kundesupport utover hva handelsrommet tilbyr, kan du også finne dette her. Produktet er programvare relatert, så det har potensial til å være litt vanskelig å sette opp. Men de fleste forhandlere vil allerede ha grunnleggende om denne programvaren på deres datamaskiner. Du trenger programvare fra megleren og en nåværende versjon av MetaTrader. Dens så enkelt som å legge til Advanced Loss Recovery-programvaren på datamaskinen din og bruke spesifikkene for kontoen din og dine handelsbehov. En spesialist kan hjelpe deg med intricacies her hvis du trenger dem til. Advanced Loss Recovery blir offentlig lansert snart. Poenget er at selv om denne programvaren koster 100 000, ville det være verdt det. I hovedsak sørger det for at tapene dine aldri er permanente, og at du kun kan tjene penger mens du er spot trading i Forex markedet. Men produktet koster ikke så mye i det hele tatt. Mer informasjon om priser i de kommende dagene. En endelig bekymring for at mange handelsfolk har med denne typen produkt, er om de vil ha nok handelskapital til å gjøre det effektivt. Dette er en legitim concern8211 du har ikke så mye å handle som de store hedgefondene på Wall Street gjør. Men en av de vakre tingene om Forex-markedet er bruken av innflytelse. Dette produktet kan hjelpe deg med å kompensere utgiftene dine på en enorm måte ved å bare la deg utnytte for å beskytte dine opprinnelige posisjoner. Mange meglere gir deg mulighet til å formere pengene dine med 300 eller 400 ganger det opprinnelige beløpet med dette, og din beskyttelse mot tap er garantert på grunn av dette. Du bør definitivt legge til Advanced Loss Recovery (ALR) til handelsverktøyene dine, mens it8217 er tilgjengelig for allmennheten. Siste anmeldelser Vær sikker på å lese på vårt nyeste produkt. Den Jarratt Davis gjennomgangen vil hjelpe deg til å bli en mer erfaren handelsmann. Dustin Pass, den verdensberømte Forex Trader og finansiell trener, avslører sin berømte Forex Black Book. Quot Du er i ferd med å oppdage. Et enkelt og lett å bruke handelssystem som banker tusenvis av pips hver månedskonto Nå trenger du ikke å være et handelsgeni for å tjene penger som en Kjær Forex Trader, hvis du har noen gang ønsket et enkelt, men kraftig Forex trading system som leverer AMAZING Fortjener måned etter måned, mens betydelig reduserer tap. så hva du leser i dette brevet kan bokstavelig talt forandre livet ditt, som det gjorde min. Heres hvorfor. Mitt navn er Dustin Pass, og la meg begynne med å si at for omtrent ti år siden var jeg din typiske Forex-forhandler. Jeg hadde et frustrerende forhold til markedene. Noen uker, Id rake i penger, mens neste uke Id mister alt jeg tidligere gjorde (I løpet av årene tok jeg grep om ting og egentlig administrerte midler profesjonelt). Men da snublet jeg en dag. Og jeg snublet stort. Jeg fant meg selv i en økonomisk situasjon jeg ikke ville ønske på noen. Jeg fant meg selv om lag 500 000 i min Forex trading konto. Jeg var økonomisk dømt, og jeg følte meg som om livet var over. Men da fikk jeg anropet. Det var en venn av meg. slags Forex insider, quote og hans kall lagret livet mitt livet. Ved å bruke det ene enkle forslaget, reverserte jeg tapet og gjorde nesten 1 million profitt på en enkelt dag, men det blir enda bedre. spesielt for deg Med den leksjonen jeg lærte den dagen, utvidet jeg denne ideen og utviklet et omfattende trendbasert handelssystem som er SUPER SIMPLE og gir konsekvent AMAZING PROFITS. Ved å bruke denne metoden. Jeg har siden tjent millioner for meg selv og mine private kunder. Jeg har sett en fullstendig 100 forbedring i min seier til tap. Pluss - utrolig. Min Trading Profits har Skyrocketed Heres Et eksempel på en enkel 600 Pip Trade Trading med Forex Black Book-systemet er like enkelt på 1-2-3. Ta for eksempel denne CADJPY-handelen jeg tok, som var bra for over 600 pips. Først ser vi på fargen på bandet nederst i diagrammet. Grønn er kjøp og rød er selger. Så i denne situasjonen har vi et GRØNT BAND. så var ute etter å inngå et kjøp. Sekund . vi må bestemme hvornår du skal gå inn. Det er enkelt, fordi vi bare ser etter en GRØN PIL (se kjøpsignalet sirklet nedenfor). Og. Tredje. Vi trenger å vite når du skal ta fortjeneste, som er indikert av de fire målnivåene som automatisk blir lagt ut på diagrammet ditt. Denne videoen er kun til demonstrasjonsformål og bør ikke tas som et typisk resultat. Resultatene kan variere, og tidligere resultater er ikke en indikasjon på fremtidige resultater. Lønnsom Forex trading får ikke noe lettere enn dette På bare et minutt, forklare jeg hva min Forex Black Book er, og hvorfor det er det perfekte systemet for å handle i dagens Forex-marked. Men først, la meg vise deg bare noen få av de siste handler som anbefales av min Forex Black Book-programvare. EURCAD - 646 pips gevinst på bare 18 dager. USDCHF - 138 pips gevinst på bare 4 dager. EURNZD - 293 pips gevinst på bare 18 dager. NZDUSD - 141 pips gevinst på bare 4 dager. CADJPY - 644 pips gevinst på bare 37 dager. Kan en enkel, lett å bruke Forex trading metode virkelig gi deg fortjeneste som disse Absolutt Testimonials fra Traders Whove har brukt Forex Black Book quotIve tatt 5 handler om 4 dager og jeg har totalt 320 pips. Dette er den virkelige avtalen, takk Dustinquot citerer et godt beløp dette systemet er det jeg leter etter. nå har jeg hemmeligheten. takk for quote pips i 4 dager, hold det opp guysquot quot345 pips på CADJPY og fortsatt går Um, ja. Jeg takker deg for dette systemet. Forex Black Book ser ut til å være akkurat det jeg ser etter. en langsiktig solution. quot quotDownloaded 23. januar 2013 og brukte den til nå den 24. januar 2013 klokken 10. Jeg brukte FBB og fant det enestående på alpari MT4-programvare på forskjellige valutapar. Jeg har laget 3.586 på en standardkonto. Er disse forhandlerne annerledes enn deg Nei, de er det ikke. De representerer fagfolk, amatører, nybegynnere og livslang handelsmenn med samme håp, drømmer og ambisjoner du har. Noen har vært rundt blokken noen ganger, men de bruker alle FOREX BLACK BOOK. Det er fellesnevneren. De satte alle sine tvil til side, og de ga Forex Black Book en prøve. Hva er så forskjellig fra min Black Bookquot versus alle andre strategier der ute Det er et gyldig spørsmål, og jeg er glad for at du er villig til å ta deg tid til å finne ut. Hovedforskjellen er at dette er min personlige strategispill som jeg hadde brukt og raffinert over mange år, og det fungerer. Hvis du så på videoen på nedlastingen av programvare, vet du at jeg hadde en stor krise der jeg nesten mistet 500k. Jeg lovet aldri igjen og utviklet en strategi for å prøve å sørge for at jeg alltid er på høyre side av en trend. Og jeg lyktes. Programvaren er et enkelt, men kraftig verktøy som har lagret rumpa så mange ganger og gjort meg mye penger som handelsmann. Jeg kaller det nå den svarte boken fordi den er min personlige ressursbok som jeg trekker på når jeg er i markedene. Jeg gjør nå tilgjengelig for enhver handelsmann som ønsker å unngå å være på feil side av en sterk trend, og være konsekvent på høyre side av trenden der overskuddet er. Alle ordene på denne siden koker seg til bare én ting: Når du bruker den svarte boken, tar du kontroll og drastisk forbedrer potensialet til å tjene penger I motsetning til de fleste FOREX-produkter og programvare der ute, skapte vi dette bare for å ha noe å markedet for deg. Denne programvaren var ikke kokt opp på fluen av grådige markedsførere som forsøkte å kjøre en Internett-svindel. Som du ser i videoene, er jeg en dør-hard handelsmann, og slik handler jeg. Med andre ord, denne programvaren ble født i grøfter av en aktiv handelsmann (meg) som trengte å ikke bare unngå tap, men å tjene penger på markedene for å sørge for familien min. Og det fungerer bra (som du kan se i videoene på denne siden og fra testamente fra de som har brukt det). Det er ingen oppblåst resultat eller BS. Dette er produktet av mange års hardt arbeid og tusenvis av handelstimer. Fordi det fungerer, er jeg villig til å dele den med deg også. Så det er den første hovedforskjellen. Jeg avslører ikke proprietære logikken som jeg utviklet som er motoren bak programvaren, fordi du ikke trenger å vite. Tross alt, som de sier - er beviset i pudding-høyre Alt som betyr noe, er resultater, og jeg er veldig gjennomsiktig på resultatene av programvaren. Programvaren er ikke alltid riktig, tap skjer, som de gjør i noe godt handelssystem, men når du følger reglene Denne programvaren er svært nøyaktig, hvorfor jeg tillot handelsmenn å laste ned, installere og kjøre programvaren gratis i flere uker, fordi jeg vet det fungerer, og jeg vil at du skal ha sjansen til å prøve det selv. FOREX Black Book-programvaren er en indikator for MetaTrader. Så når vi sier Black Book-programvaren, refererer vi til selve indikatoren, og logikk - og handelsinformasjonen som er innebygd i den. Jeg vil at du skal forstå systemet og hvordan det fungerer. Den beste måten å gjøre det på er å gå deg gjennom noen bransjer, fordi se er å tro, riktig. Selvfølgelig kan en video fortell historien best, så vi kan se på flere handelseksempler. Først spiller du videoen, og deretter fortsetter lesingen under videoen. 138 PIPS uten stress Dette er hva jeg liker å ringe til brød og smørhandel. Fordi jeg handlet minilotter, gjorde jeg 150 dollar på relativt kort tid, men hadde dette vært standard mye, det ville være en rask 1500 gevinst. Det var ingen stress eller noe gjetning. Programvaren viste oss når vi skulle komme inn (hvor den røde pilen vises) og vi satte stoppene i henhold til strategien, og da kom vi litt ut senere, og det virket som en sjarm. 1500 på bare 4 mini-lotter du satser Heres en annen stor handel med Black Book strategi og programvare på EURCAD 4 timers diagram. Vi ble litt sent på denne, som bare viser deg at når du har en god strategi, må forholdene ikke være helt perfekte for å tjene gode penger: Ja, dette var en 1500 profitthandel med bare 4 mini-partier . Lett. Som. Pai. Hadde disse vært standard mye, ville dette vært en rask 15 000 med svært lite stress eller risiko. Jeg vil påpeke at denne programvaren gir deg klart definerte mål som gir deg mulighet til å låse fortjenesten raskt, og fortsatt ha flere mål og mer profittmuligheter. Når du lukker ut din første posisjon, blir handelen i utgangspunktet fri, noe som betyr at ytterligere fortjeneste er ren saus. De ytterligere målene, som er svært spesifikke, tillater deg å holde deg i spillet i lengre tid, og dra nytte av eventuelle potensielle større trekk. Når var den siste gangen du var i stand til å ta 1500 på fortjeneste på bare 4 miniprogrammer og det er ikke et freakeksempel, sjekk dette ut: 293 Pips på EURNZD Dette er et valutapar jeg handler ikke veldig ofte, men når muligheten presenterer selv tar vi det. Jeg endte opp med å være i denne handel i nesten en uke, og vi hadde en fin liten løp. Vi endte opp med ca 293 pips totalt. Vi lukkede det ut i 3 etapper og tok gode fortjenester hele veien. Igjen handlet vi 4 minilotter og lagde ca 545. Ikke dårlig i det hele tatt for mini mye, og det var rent og ukomplisert, som vanlig. Enkel handel, enkle pips, ingen stress, på bare få minutter Dette er en annen handel som spilte ut over 6 dager. Profitten var ikke stor, ca 140 igjen med 4 miniloter, men det er et godt eksempel fordi jeg viser deg hvordan jeg setter stoppene mine, tar fortjeneste, og i utgangspunktet justerer mine trekk ut fra hva markedet gjør, men ALDRI følger grunnleggende handelsprinsipper. Og over tid vil den 140 bli reinvestert og sammensatt til en fin sum. Programvaren gjør dette så enkelt, men legg merke til at jeg ikke avviger fra planen min. Jeg ble rolig og holdt planen Du vil også kunne gjøre det når du forstår strategien og går gjennom treningen som følger med programvaren. Som du så i videoene og i bildet under, setter indikatoren en stor rødgrønne linje nederst som er en trendidentifikator. Treningsidentifikatoren hjelper deg med å finne de mest lønnsomme handelsscenariene. Den røde eller grønne fargen indikerer hvilken retning du skal handle med. Med andre ord, bør du kjøpe eller selge. Veldig enkelt, riktig. Rød betyr en down trend-bias, og grønn betyr en uptrend-bias. For det andre gir programvaren deg en signalidentifikator, som er de røde eller grønne piltene som forteller deg når det kan være bra å handle og legge inn (eller avslutte) markedet. Det indikerer når momentet skifter i retning av trendforspenningen. Når trendindikatoren er grønn, ser du etter grønne piler. Når trendindikatoren er rød, virker du når røde piler vises. De tre hovedkomponentene i Black Book Indicator Deretter setter du stoppet ditt og tar fortjeneste i henhold til målene som vises på skjermen. Målene er dynamiske og endres etter hvert som markedet beveger seg. Heres den sanne finansielle skjønnheten i denne strategien Når markedet går opp, beveger målene seg også opp. bor like utenfor rekkevidde (utelukker et veldig plutselig, stort hopp). Du vil fortsatt slå de første målene, vanligvis begge mål 1 og 2, men de andre to målene (3 og 4) vil holde seg utenfor rekkevidde det meste av tiden. Dette er å holde deg i spillet på en jevn trend. Når paret begynner å ligne seg, vil målene også avgjøre, noe som resulterer i at markedet rammer målene og det er når du tar mesteparten av fortjenesten din. Hvorfor er dette viktig Fordi de fleste handelsmenn tar fortjeneste for tidlig og savner flertallet av bevegelsen og flertallet av pips. Med de dynamiske målene som går ut over bevegelsen, og det faktum at vi lukker handel i etapper, garanterer du fortjeneste raskt, noe som gir deg økonomisk sikkerhet mens du fortsatt holder deg i spillet. fange flertallet av bevegelsen med den jevne trenden. Når markedet begynner å sakte eller avta, vil målene justeres tilsvarende, og du vil vanligvis slå de høyere målene, og det vil si når du låser opp de store fortjenestene. Hva kan være bedre enn det Hvorfor Four Hour Chart Merk at programvaren er utviklet for å fungere med fire timers diagrammer. Trendindikatoren viser når som helst komprimering, men signalindikatorene vises ikke for noen annen tidsramme enn fire timers diagram. Hvorfor Fordi dette er en TRENDING-strategi, og trender skje over tid. I min store erfaring oppdaget jeg at de fire timerkartene er ideelle. så det er hva programvaren bruker. Du kan aldri få en trend på et 5-minutters diagram. Trender skjer over dager, uker og måneder, ikke sekunder eller minutter. Så denne strategien er ikke en rutsjebane tur opp og nedturer. Det er designet for å ri lenger trender, og derfor bruker vi bare fire timers diagram. På fire timers diagram vises et nytt lys hver fjerde time, og det er da trendindikatoren blir oppdatert og når nye signalpiler genereres, hvis det er aktuelt. Dette vil tillate deg å slappe av med din handel. Fire timers diagrammer er mye mindre stressende å handle enn scalping eller andre korte tidsrammer trading typer, som vil hjelpe deg å være mer rolig, profesjonell og mindre emosjonell i din handel. Alltid Multiply Din fortjeneste ved å bruke flere Unit Trades Når du bruker denne strategien, vil du gå inn i markedet fire enheter om gangen. som betyr fire mikropartier, fire mini-partier, eller fire standardpartier, eller noen flere av det. Dette er fordi du vil bli gitt fire ta overskuddsmål. Og når det første målet er truffet, lukker du ut en enhet for å låse fortjenesten. Så hvis det andre målet er truffet, lukker du en annen enhet, og fortsetter på den måten. Du kan ikke noen gang slå 2, 3 eller 4 mål, men hvis markedet virkelig har en sterk trend, kan du, og du kan trekke profitt for flertallet av denne trenden. Bare for å være krystallklar, er denne strategien designet for å hjelpe deg med å trene trender og melke dem for alt de er verdt. Det er ikke fancy, men det fungerer, og det er veldig enkelt å bruke, selv for nybegynnere. Enkelheten er hjertet i systemet og hvorfor det er så effektivt. Programvaren eliminerer indikatoroverbelastning - for mye informasjon som bare forvirrer deg. Du vil ha programvare som gjør beslutningsprosessen din veldig enkelt, og det er hva Black Book gjør. quotWorking som en sjarm Kan være darn nær 100 hvis du vet hvordan du kan bekrefte signalene. Jeg startet for 26 timer siden med en balanse på 871.00. Den er nå på 1,354.00 og vokser. Jeg betalte ut 243,00 over natten, og for øyeblikket i 2 bransjer som er oppe på 340.00.quot. Men gjør ingen feil om det. Logikken bak scenene som bestemmer om du ser en rød eller grønn trendidentifikator andor-signalidentifikator er kompleks og ganske elegant , men fordi det er min intellektuelle eiendom og jeg ikke vil ha den kopiert, gir jeg ikke detaljer om logikken under dekslene. Det er noen få viktige komponenter til programvaren, som jeg vil forklare litt lenger ned på siden. For nå, vær bare oppmerksom på at det er enkelt, og det har gjort det mulig for meg å være en lønnsom handelsmann år etter år, lenge etter at de fleste kolleger fra mine tidlige dager som handelsmann har gått tilbake til jobbene sine, fordi markedet sparket sine butter. Hvis du noen ganger tror du ikke kommer til å gjøre det som en handelsmann, så er denne programvaren definitivt for deg. Hvorfor Black Book er en MetaTrader-indikator: For å være klar, er dette en indikator for Metatrader4 (MT4), den mest populære kartleggingsapplikasjonen på planeten. Nesten hver FOREX megler der ute tilbyr MT4, fordi den er stabil, pålitelig og lett å jobbe med. Hvis noen skal bry seg om å lage plugins for FOREX-programvare, er det fornuftig å gjøre det for MT4, fordi MT4 brukes overalt. Det er derfor denne programvaren ble opprettet for å jobbe med MT4. For det andre, indikatorer, når de brukes riktig, hjelper deg med å identifisere trender og muligheter som du aldri kan se på egenhånd. Dessverre laster de fleste handelsfolk så mange indikatorer på at de raskt lider av overbelastning av informasjon, motstridende informasjon, og de ender opp med å gjøre forferdelige handler (de jeg kunne ha sett så langt for en risiko med altfor lite av en belønning) Med andre ord , de fleste indikatorene hjelper deg bare til å gjøre mer dårlige handler raskere. Du må være forsiktig med å ikke bruke for mange indikatorer. Når du har det riktige verktøyet, som Black Book, vil du ikke lide av overbelastning av informasjon. Programvaren vår er designet for å være ultra enkel, ryddig og lett å forstå selv for FOREX nybegynnere. Ikke kast bort tiden din Staring at Charts Dette er en strategi som tar bare minutter om dagen å bruke. Du har sett kraften i programvaren, hvor enkelt det er å bruke, og handelsvideoene som viser deg hvordan ubelastet handel blir når du har denne programvaren, men det er en annen stor fordel ved å være en Black Book-eier. Selv med den beste indikatoren i verden, er det fortsatt et stort problem: du må være på skrivebordet eller foran handelsstasjonen din for å se hva indikatorsoftware forteller deg å gjøre. Og du må sjekke alle valutaparene. Med så mange tilgjengelige valutapar, og markedene åpner for så mange timer hver uke for å finne det beste av de beste handelsmulighetene, må du bruke altfor mye tid på datamaskinen din og se på Metatrader. Og det er fallet av alle Forex-forhandlere, til nå Vi har skapt en løsning som frigjør deg fra alle søk, og bare gir beskjed når potensielle handler er klare. Derefter går du inn i Black Book-strategiene som er innebygd i indikatoren, og knock dem død. Det er en fantastisk kombinasjon som sparer deg så mye tid og lar deg slutte å stirre på diagrammer hele dagen. Hvordan finner vi disse handelsoppsettene og leverer dem til deg på en sølvfat Det kalles TRADEFINDER. TradeFinder er en Major Time Saver, Heres Hvorfor vi har våre egne høyt drevne servere som kjører TradeFinder-programvaren. TradeFinder for Black Book kjører nøyaktig samme proprietære logikk som er innebygd i indikatorprogramvaren, slik at den leter etter de samme forholdene, men det kjører på våre servere 247. Med TradeFinder kan datamaskinen din være offline eller drevet ned, og du har fortsatt nytte fra vår kraftige programvare som skal finne og varsle deg basert på dine preferanser. Du kan bli varslet når trendindikatoren og signalindikatoren konvergerer (som er den beste tiden å handle), eller du kan få det til å varsle deg når noen signalindikatorpilen dukker opp, enten det er med trenden eller ikke. Meldingsalternativene er svært fleksible basert på dine behov og preferanser. Når kriteriene for å være varslet er oppfylt, legger programvaren trendsignalet til en web-basert applikasjon, og det utløser tilpassbare varsler som kommer til deg gjennom et hvilket som helst antall kanaler. Du får tilgang til webapplikasjonen, og du kan tilpasse aler-tjenesten for å bare sende deg bestemte typer varsler. Tross alt, kan du bare ha varsler for bestemte valutapar, så TradeFinder kan tilpasses for å bare varsle deg om bestemte typer handelsoppsett for bestemte valutapar - som gir deg full kontroll og forhindrer deg i å bli varslet overbelastning. TradeFinder gjør at du kan leve på din datamaskin og bare komme inn når du får et varsel, og ta handelen dersom alt ser bra ut. Her er det som TradeFinder webgrensesnitt ser ut som: Som du kan se, inneholder den alt du trenger å vite. TradeFinder er ditt utgangspunkt fordi du ikke engang må åpne MetaTrader trading stasjon til du får et varsel fra TradeFinder. Ta tilbake kontrollen av planen din og få mer ledig tid Så heres hvordan det spiller ut i den virkelige verden: Vi sier at du er på Starbucks og leser papiret og ser på folk, og ukjent for deg, EURJPY utvikler en fantastisk trendhandel. Uten TradeFinder, ville du ikke ha noen anelse, fordi du ikke er på datamaskinen din, og du vil savne handelen. Eller enda verre, du ville være på datamaskinen din, men mangler papir og kaffe på Starbucks-opplevelse, eller hva det er du gjør for moro skyld. Med TradeFinder trenger du ikke å være oppmerksom på markedene, noe som frigjør deg for å gjøre hva du vil - NICE Uansett, så plutselig får du en advarsel til din mobiltelefon om mulig handel på EURJPY fra TradeFinder. Du kan hoppe på smarttelefonen og se på varselet på TradeFinder-webgrensesnittet, og hvis det ser lovende ut, kan du komme til datamaskinen, brann opp MetaTrader 4, og bruk Black Book-indikatoren for å sjekke den ut. Black Book-programvaren bekrefter at basert på din spesielle situasjon, og din toleranse for risiko, at handelen ser veldig gunstig ut. Så, du plasserer handelen akkurat som vanlig. Eller kanskje du bestemmer deg for å hoppe over handelen og fortsette å gjøre ting. Men du hadde valget, fordi TradeFinder alltid er på, alltid overvåker markedene for deg, og det setter deg i kontroll. Selvfølgelig, fordi det tok deg noen minutter å komme til PCen, kan du komme inn i handel noen få minutter for sent, men siden vi handler 4 timers diagram, mangler en liten bevegelse ikke verdens ende. Faktisk har du sett meg gjøre det i noen av videoene ovenfor, og det er ikke noe problem i det hele tatt, som du har sett. Så i dette meget vanlige scenariet: Du behøvde ikke å jakte på handelen i utgangspunktet. Det kom til deg på grunn av TradeFinder. Det tillot deg ikke å være så bundet til datamaskinen hele tiden. For det andre ga Black Book-programvaren deg den nøyaktige informasjonen du trengte for å vinne handel. Det ga deg de klare, røde lysgrønne lyssignalene for å hjelpe deg med å handle med tillit. For det tredje, og kanskje viktigere, tillot det deg å være mer ledig med tid og sted, så TradeFinder er en livsstilsbytter, fordi den ødelegger ballen og kjeden som holder de fleste forex-forhandlere knyttet til handelsstasjonen hele dagen. Du kan ikke overse betydningen av å ha et system med fingertuppene som analyserer ALLE valutaparene døgnet rundt, og leter etter forholdene som maksimerer oddsen for deg å tjene penger. Det tar bare en måned eller to tid i grøfter som stirrer på diagrammer hele dagen og hele natten før du begynner å sette pris på kraften i TradeFinder-systemet. Da jeg begynte på FOREX-markedene, ville jeg ha KILLED for et slikt system, og derfor utviklet jeg det til slutt, og hvorfor gjør jeg det nå tilgjengelig for deg. Og for det fjerde var hele handelsprosessen rolig og lett, sammenlignet med hvordan de fleste handelsmenn er på en hvite rullebaneretur av følelser og stress hvert øyeblikk av hver handel. Hvorfor er det Fordi de ikke stoler på sine systemer, og de forstår ikke helt deres strategi. De har for mange indikatorer som går. And perhaps most of all, they are letting their emotions drive their trading decisions, because they dont have the training which creates the confidence to run their trading based on a basic sound strategy, coupledwith solid fundamentals of money and account management. That only comes with understanding and training, which is what we have built into this Black Book system. Thats right, not only are we making my Black Book strategy available to you in the form of an MT4 indicator, but we are giving you access to the groundbreaking TradeFinder software for 3 full months at no charge when you take action today. Thats a 1,050 value right there, yours FREE. TradeFinder Monitors the Markets So You Dont Have To When a trend signal is generated, TradeFinder can alert you in four ways: A desktop visual alert if you happen to be at your desk or dealing station A desktop audible alert in case you are nearby but not watching the screen An email notification if you are out and about An SMS text message to your cell phone so you can be virtually anywhere and still know about the trade opportunity With TradeFinder, instead of you searching and chasing down trades, now they will come to you . Lets take a look at a few more trades so you can see how simple and elegant FOREX trading can be. 141 Pips Easily on the NZDUSD As you can see, trades are simple and easy to manage with the software. If you arent familiar with scaling out of a trade, dont worry, we cover that in the training. I almost always scale out of trades, because it allows us to manage risk, lock in some profit, and if the market really moves, we get to ride it as much as we can while keeping our exposure to almost nothing. What About Trade Frequency Sometimes the question comes up about how much or how often I trade with this strategy Its fairly active, but I shot this video to give you a feel for how often opportunities come up. So, as you can see, there are many opportunities for most traders. And if youre the type to take some of the higher risk trades (as indicated by the yellow signal identifier arrow), then there are many opportunities for that. I generally do not take those trades, as I explain in the video, but you may choose to. Remember, successful trading isnt about constant trading, its about being selective and picking the trades that give us the best riskreward ratios. Do I Get More Than Just the Black Book Software and the TradeFinder Notification Software Absolutely. A successful and profitable trading lifestyle involves more than just software. Yes, you want as many winning trades as possible, which the Black Book indicator provides, but you also want to save time, and you need to have a solid and thorough understanding of account, money management, and risk management principles. And, if you want to be a fulltime trader, you may need a complimentary strategy that works on something other than trends. Trading on market reversals is a sound strategy too, but you must be properly armed to take advantage of it. When I was down nearly 500,000 and freaking out, a buddy of mine came to my rescue. He provided some key information that allowed me to have an extremely high degree of confidence about when the strong trend was finally going to reverse itself. Based on his insider information, I was able to reverse my losses when the market reversed and finish out the month with nearly a million dollars of profit. The SECRET Source That Massively Influences the MMarkets So what is the key information Well you may not be aware of it, but the markets are moved and influenced in a big way by massive trades placed by large banks and other institutions that carry out trades of hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact, 83 of the market volume is made up by these types of massive bank trades, and they are the single biggest factor that determines when the big market reversals take place. Most traders are completely clueless about these trades, and they dont know how to access this type of information, which we call bank flow. When you are blind to these trades, like I was, you can suffer massive losses. And when you have the right information, you can make vast fortunes, like the banks do. So, for those traders who like to stay very active in the markets and try to get in on every possible profit scenario, having this bankflow data is essential, which is why we have created another Metatrader 4 indicator that gives you this critical information. More Trade Opportunities More Profit Opportunities We have an exclusive source that gives us insight to what the major banks are doing, and if you want to capture big profits on market reversals, this special indicator will allow you to do just that. We call it the Bank Flow Level Identifier. Check out this feedback on the Bank Flow, from traders just like you: Ben M. Toowoomba, Australia . I have made 120 pips on the EURUSD, 33 pips on the USDCAD. also have the USDCHF still open - up about 200 pips Im very happy with the results Colin Liz R. Mafra, Portugal . Closed EURUSD with over 64 pips. have two entries with USDCHF with over 117 and 106 pips. I have found your instructions clear and concise. I have no problems understanding what you are doing and why. We dont like too much risk we lost too much in the past. But I feel really happy with your methods and am very grateful that you have decided to share not only your vast knowledge of trading with us but also this other bank flow information. In addition. we are now able to place larger lots at good entry prices. Many thanks and kept up the good work . I personally captured around 500 pips with multiple entries. Jason C. Voorhees, NJ . I have already made 3,200 for the month of October. and there is still 10,720 on the table as I write. This is the kind of trading I have always wanted to do (long term trading) but have always been afraid to. It is the perfect supplement to news trading and I love the fact that I am able to manage a trade from my Palm. I used to stay up all night because I simply had no clue where the market would be in the morning. Youre the best. Igor Z. Milwaukie, OR Dustin, thank you so much for bank flow system info. CHF EUR made about 80 pips (on each). Mikhail, C. I love that bank strategy. I already closed 6 trades USDCHF, 1092 profits. Lets take a look at how accurate these Bank Flow levels have performed in the past. This is going to blow your mind These Bank Flow Levels Will Skyrocket Your Profits This video is for demonstration purposes only and should not be taken as a typical result. Results may vary and past performance is not indicative of future results. This Is The EXACT System Ive Used To Manage MILLIONS OF DOLLARS as a Professional Fund Manager First, this proprietary trading system youll receive is the EXACT system Ive used to successfully and profitably manage millions of dollars as a professional fund manager. That means this is a PROVEN system and not some hypothetical trading method slapped together by a wanna-be trader. And whats really cool is that Ive programmed this entire method into a simple and easy-to-use indicator that will greatly simply your trading. First . it will provide you with insight into the DIRECTION TO TRADE . which means even a bad trade will have a good chance if you are on the right side of the market. Second, it will provide you with the ENTRY SIGNALS . and Third, it will define your TARGETS . where youll take profits and exit the trade. That means youll never have to guess what to do. And ultimately, youll have an OBJECTIVE way to determine. Whether to take a trade An exact signal for entry A set of targets to take profits And because of this, Im ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENT youre going to love this . especially because of its simplicity and effectiveness. World-Class Trading Requires World-Class Training Heres the fourth and final piece of the puzzle that we are providing for you today. Regardless of which strategy you use, or if you use both, you cannot be a good, successful, long-term trader if you dont know how to manage your funds. If youve ever gotten a margin call from your broker, then you know what I mean. You should NEVER get a margin call. It is only the result of not managing your account properly by placing the right trade size according to the leverage available and the number of trades you have open. Im excited to tell you Ive also put together a comprehensive set of training videos to ensure you will become profitable in the fastest time possible and not make beginner mistakes that can sink even the worlds best strategies. You also need a personal trading plan that is based on the Black Book software, but fine tuned for your unique situation and financial circumstances. Jumping into the markets without a trading plan and solid training on how to manage your account is financial suicide, yet I see hundreds of traders doing it every week. They usually dont last long, and I dont want to see that happen to you. So we have developed a five module training course on video that covers everything mentioned above. So we are going to provide the training you need so you know what youre doing no matter what strategy you may be using. They all rely on proper money and risk management. So we have created a professional trader training course that includes training on the Black Book strategy and Software, the Bankflow levels strategy and software, and which includes all of the fundamentals of FOREX trading in general, with a heavy emphasis on the money side of things, since its so important The Best Training in the Business. We didnt just slap together some info and put it on video. We brought in an adult education expert to help us craft a curriculum that actually works to impart knowledge to you clearly and effectively. Our training developer has a Masters degree in Adult Education. He studies how adults learn and what teaching tactics actually work to impart knowledge, and he created a course unlike any other. He spent a year and a half training our lead trainer, Ross Mullins, to be a world-class presenter of the FOREX training curriculums we develop. Rosss knowledge of the strategy and his Master traders understanding of the FOREX fundamentals, combined with the world-class curriculum and presentation, has resulted in a Black Book training course like none other. After all, you deserve the best, and this course will be a tremendous boost to your trading and knowledge. The course utilizes world-class training videos that you can watch as many times as you need to, so youll act and behave with the same precision and calm confidence of a top-tier trader. So lets go over the training, because this is a piece of the puzzle that cannot be overlooked if you intend to make money in FOREX long-term. Ive divided the training into five modules . and the first module, what I call quotForex Market Introductionquot is all about getting you up to speed on Forex trading quickly and giving you the skills you need to make profitable trades as soon as possible. Module 1 - Forex Market Introduction In Module One, we begin with an introduction about Forex to make sure youve got all the basics down. Frankly, my trading strategy is so easy . that you dont have to know that much about Forex to implement it, but we dont want to make any assumptions about your current trading knowledge. So, Ive included this introduction to Forex to make sure you have a good foundation. First, we talk about the different terms commonly used in Forex trading. Then, we talk about Forex charts, and how to use them to accurately track the market. So, by the time youve finished Module One, youll know all the basics you need to know to understand the world of Forex trading. Heres the official curriculum: Overview of the Forex Market: Setting a foundation for success Discovering Forex Terminology: the terms and concepts that you must master - a prerequisite to successful trading Using Forex Charts: Understanding the methods of tracking the market Basic Order Terminology: Terms associated with trade entry and exit Module 2 - Trading Analysis This is where we really start to step it up. My goal is to: Turn you into a profitable Forex trader Show you how to turn this into a long-term, sustainable business Give you the tools that will enable you to live the life you really want You should probably know that a lot of people put together trading strategies, and they make it cut and dry, and they say all you have to do is to follow these arrows. We want to take another approach. The reality is you should never rely on a system that blindly tells you when to buy and sell. We want to educate you. We want to make sure you understand HOW to trade . and thats why were making sure you know how to analyze the market through technical analysis. For example, we want to make sure you know the proper way: to identify support and resistance to use Fibonacci properly to identify trend lines to know whether a market is ranging vs. trending e want to teach you all of this, because although the strategy is cut-and-dry , there is much more to trading like a professional trader. Professional traders are never going to take a signal at face value and just go with it. Theyre also going to use their personal experience and overall understanding of the market before pulling the trigger. So, although you probably could just blindly apply these indicators when it says to buy or sell, its our goal that you should have a deeper understanding of the market. Our goal is to get you to be a successful and self-sufficient trader. So, Im telling you, by the end of Module 2, youll have the key skills to make profitable trading decisions. Module 3 - Using Metatrader This training module covers everything you need to now to use Metatrader 4 and indicators in general so you feel completely competent using your dealing station, plus we cover the basis of the black Book Indicator too Download and Installation of the Black Book Trade Indicator (Applying this powerful tool to the charts) Using MT4 Templates (a time saving strategy for success) Executing Trades on MT4 (Step-by step instructions for using the industry standard MT4 dealing station) Modules 3 and 4 will make you an excellent trader using our software. So in this training module , Ill walk you through everything you need to install the software, set it up, and adjust the templates for easy use. Moving on. we come to. Module 4 - Trading with the Black Book Indicator Now honestly, as much as I would like to claim that you just have to blindly follow the color bands, the arrows, and the targets, there really are some extra tips and tricks I can show you to boost your profits. And thats what this module is all about. Here in Module 4, Trading with the Black Book Indicator, Ill provide you some of the key trading rules I use, so you can understand how to use this powerful indicator in the most EFFECTIVE and PROFITABLE way. That means youll take only the very best trade signals . instead of just blindly taking every one of them. After reviewing this module, youll be able to. Note the signals and interpreting them (identifying the most profitable trading opportunities) Factor in some basic support and resistance points Execute the trades that have the greatest probability of being big winners. Manage the Trades (youll then make the most out of each trade) Use TradeFinder properly and conveniently (to save time and improve profitability) So the bottom line is, while other systems are complicated and require dozens of trade indicators, confusing you into indecision , my system is EXTREMELY SIMPLE to understand and follow. You simply look at the trade signals, use a little common sense, and you can be in and out with some GREAT PROFITS. And so finally, we come to. Module 5 - Personal Trading Plan I believe this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT modules of the entire program. Thats because the key to any successful trading is the money management that goes behind it. If you have the right money management, you can take a strategy that is successful only 10 of the time and still be profitable. On the other hand, you could have a strategy that is successful 70 of the time, and if your money management approach is not well thought out, you can end up losing money all the time. So what we have done is to create a blueprint, an outline, for how to set up a personal trading plan. This is what most traders lack when it comes to any strategy. Heres the official curriculum for module 5: Creating a blueprint for a personal trading plan: the foundation of all successful trading Preparation before the trade to Improve profitability through proper account management Execution of the trade: Keeping your emotions under control Assessment after the trade (Staying on Track) And the best part is that this trading plan can be applied to any strategy that you are currently using . not just these two strategies. Listen, by using these strategies, your financial results should no longer be an issue . and I really expect to hear about some incredible results youve gotten with them. Let me show you another example of how easy this is. Youll be doing this in no time when you have out training under your belt: In this case, were looking at EURNZD. Click PLAY to watch the video: This video is for demonstration purposes only and should not be taken as a typical result. Results may vary and past performance is not indicative of future results. First, we look at the color of the band at the bottom of the chart. Green is buy and red is sell. So, in this situation we have a GREEN BAND . so were looking to enter a buy Second, we need to determine WHEN to enter. Thats easy, because we simply look for a GREEN ARROW . Og. Third . we need to know when to take profits, which is indicated by the four target levels that are automatically posted on your chart. Can you see how EASY this is You Will Get Everything You Need to Make Money as a Trader Month After Month. This package leaves nothing out because our business is turning traders just like you into money-makers, so heres what you get when you invest in yourself by investing in the FOREX Black Book systems: My personal proprietary trading strategy in the Black Book indicator software for Metatrader 4 The TradeFinder software to alert you when its time to trade The Bankflow indicator to help you capitalize on major market reversals A comprehensive training program for all three pieces of software and that covers what you need to know to manage your accounts properly. With these components, Ill teach you how to trade Forex at a professional level with the goal of you becoming a profitable trader in the quickest time, so you can finally start making the money you want. With this package, available ONLY on this site, youre going to get the FOREX Black Book software and world class training, plus you get access to the software we talked about above Bonus 1: 3 Months of Access to the Bank Flow Level Identifier Software - a 2,397 Value As you may know, the worlds largest banks control about 83 of the daily volume in the Forex market. Thats HUGE What that means is that they significantly influence market direction. What if you had visibility in to the next moves these BIG banks and financial institutions are going to make Do you think that would be helpful Thats what this bank flow data is all about. This is the insider knowledge that saved me, when I was on my way to being down nearly 1 million dollars . But with the knowledge of bank flow, I was able to reverse that loss and bank almost another 1 million in profits. And, this knowledge about bank flow, is what youre going to get. So, with this first bonus, youll receive THREE MONTHS free access to the Bank Flow Data which will give you valuable insight as to what levels the banks are watching, which will get you making better trades and boosting your profits faster than you ever thought possible. Best thing, these levels will be displayed right on your MetaTrader charts. As I have mentioned in the past when we launched the bank flow data this service cost nearly 800 a month to access, but youre going to get access to it for FREE for 3 fu ll months , when you act TODAY . Roman B. (life long member), Plano, TX Dustin, this bank flow data is great. I made over 100 pips on EURUSD, I am ahead over 150 pips on USDCHF, and down on CAD but I am building my position. This bank flow data is a great idea and a huge help in addition to our current strategy. I really hope you keep this flow data for a long time, I will be very sorry to see if you drop it, please dont. So far it worked better than I ever hoped for. Thanks and lets keep this flow data flowing. I have profited by 125 pips so far. Guy E. Herndon, VA . I closed my position with a gain of over 125 pips. I know that large institutions have the deep pockets and can control a market. They have the ability to slowly move a market in the direction that they want. Using their deep pockets they can buy while the market is going down and sell while the market is going up. knowing all the time that their losses are only on paper and that when they shift the market at a later time the trades that were losers in the beginning will now be profitable. I greatly appreciate the information that you have been providing us with this strategy. Kevin C. Queen River, AZ The bank flow strategy makes a lot of sense to me. I enjoy the longer-term trades and like the strategy of building a position. The first opportunity I had to enter a trade was on the USDCHF, which is still open and seen over 100 pips profit. I am also currently long on the USDCAD and I heard the EURUSD trade was also very successful. But, Im not done yet. If you act today, not only will you get access to the Bank Flow Data, but youll also get. Bonus 2: 3 Months of the Trade Finder Service - a 597 Value One of the biggest challenges that most traders face, is that they are working a full-time job and are not able to watch the market throughout the day. Seriously, how can you sit and watch the market looking for trades, when youre stuck at work Thats why weve built the TradeFinder, which alerts you to winning trade setups in the first place. This accomplishes something major that virtually no other FOREX software does for you: it scours the markets looking for trade setups, and notifies you when the conditions may be just right to trade. That way, you dont have to be at your desk, it will do all the hard work for you, searching all major currency pairs, and it will notify you by SMS texts to your cell, by email, or with a desktop alert. TradeFinder is a MAJOR advance in trading, because it unchains you from your desk. Well talk more about that below. This is a powerful tool to help you identify winning trade setups. This software is always scanning the market . looking for key trades, and when it finds one, it IMMEDIATELY notifies you with a text message and an alert to your desktop. So, with this bonus, youll receive three months of FREE access to my Trade Finder software. I know youre going to love it. This, in of itself is a 597 value . but youll get it FREE . when you act today. When you act today, not only will you get access to the Bank Flow Data and the Trade Finder Software, but youll also get. Bonus 3 - Black Book Daily Trade Room In order to assure that you become a PROFITABLE trader in the fastest time possible . Ive arranged for you to see this method used in real-time, every day. Each day, our head trainer, Ross Mullins will analyze the days trades and show you exactly how to determine whether to take a trade, where to enter, and how to take profits at the target points using the Black Book strategy and software. Youll be able to ask all the questions youd like, to ensure you get a solid foundation in this profitable trading method. So, in Bonus 3, youll receive a full three months of FREE access to our daily trade room . where youll have the opportunity to see how we apply this system in real time. This is a 537 value. but youll get it FREE. when you act today So here is my offer to you: Im ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENT that Forex Black Book is going to help you. So, if you currently have the problem of struggling financially of not being able to consistently make money with your trading of not having the knowledge and skills to trade Forex at a professional level of not having that dream situation of being able to put on the right trade at the right time and make all the money you want then Forex Black Book is the solution . once and for all. As a matter of fact, I believe that once you go through our training, youll have everything you need to be a SUCCESSFUL and PROFITABLE Forex trader. Now again, youre going to be the judge of that. But heres how confident I am. Im willing to let you take the entire Forex Black Book course, the whole thing, and if you dont like it, let me know. Ill give you all of your money back. Just send me an email within 30 days, and youll get a prompt no questions asked refund. And youll get to keep all the knowledge that you learned. So, obviously, 100 of the burden to deliver is on me as it should be in any situation. How Much Does Forex Black Book Cost So, by this point, youre probably wondering. whats this going to cost Well, before we get to that, let me ask you this. How much is it worth to you to finally become a CONSISTENTLY PROFITABLE Forex Trader and have all the money youve ever wanted Whats it worth to have time to spend with your family, and to be able to do the things in life youve always wanted to do Would you invest 5,000, 10,000, or even 15,000, if you knew you could truly live the life of a profitable trader Of course you would, but seriously, Im not going to ask for this kind of investment from you, even though this trading system really is the KEY to your financial future, and I believe its worth every penny of a price like that. So, lets do a quick review of what you get when you invest today, so you can become a profitable trader in just minutes a day. Heres what youre going to get: First off, you get my entire. Forex Black Book Trading System - Whats the value of this Frankly, its invaluable, its priceless. But if you had to put a price on learning a professional traders strategy, just take a look around. Most professional traders charge between 5,000 and 25,000 for any sort of mentoring related to their personal trading strategy that theyve implemented on a professional level. Thats if youre lucky, because most successful traders like me wont help you at all, so its hard to find a true FOREX expert that is in the business of helping traders like you. So, given what Im sharing with you here, the real-world value is 10,000 . Thats a total value of approximately 15,000 However, Im not going to charge you that amount today. The truth is, we like to reward action takers, and I think youre an action taker. So, were going to give you a HUGE discount. But, youve got to act quickly. When you do, your investment will be. You can get started today for as little as 832 using our three pay option. Yes, thats just three monthly payments of only 832. Or, you also have the opportunity save 500 by using our one-time single pay option for only 1,997, which takes care of everything you need for the first three months. After 3 months, youll continue to get access to: The Complete Set of Black Book Indicators The TradeFinder Software: The Black Book Daily Trade Room with Ross Mullins Thats a monthly value of over 400 for only 79 per month Plus, if you want to keep the access to the Bank Flow Data indicator (a monthly value of 800) you can at a special rate for of just 297 per month So you get the Black Book software and all of the training and bonuses for 3 months for the 1,997 or 3 payments of 832.33, and the grand total of the monthly charges after the 90 days is up, is 376 (79 297). You can cancel the Bankflow access at any time and youre ongoing monthly charges will be a mere 79 a month Thats a hot deal and thats why you need to act now to secure your package. Dont Be Left Behind, Trading in the Dark by Not Having All of the Pieces of the Puzzle Its time for you to make your decision to move forward with this. Listen, I know my Forex Black Book is going to help you, and Im so CONFIDENT it will, that after you take the entire course, use both indicators, the TradeFinder and the daily Black Book Trade Room, and if you dont think it was fantastic and you dont think that you got more than 100 percent of your moneys worth, just let me know, and Ill give you a complete refund. This is truly the GREATEST GUARANTEE you could possibly imagine. There are thousands of people on the interest list just to find out about what were offering right now. Remember, if you act right now you can get access to over 10,000 of real world value and take advantage of another 5,000 worth of bonuses . I dont want to put pressure on you, but if your gut is telling you that Yes this is going to help you . I strongly suggest that you listen to it. After all, its probably never failed you before and its not wrong now. So seriously, you need to click here right now . because this is going to be one of our biggest selling products, and were definitely going to sell out, so you need to sign up now . If you still need to see a little more proof, let me show you a few other market examples and how you now the system really works. D. Graham: quotAll 5 trades executed so far have worked out with positive results, not a loser thus far. The set-ups to follow with the system are simple as 1,2,3, and its quick and easy to install. I only have access to a trial period but when it available for purchase, I will definitely buy it without hesitation and I would highly recommend anyone contemplating to go ahead do yourself the favor, it will be worth every dollarquot Every Second You Wait is Potentially a Missed Opportunity If you would have had taken any of the trades I just discussed, its very possible that you could have already paid for the entire package. If you think you dont have the money for this, then thats the exact reason why you NEED to do this, you could very well pay for the entire package plus more in the first few months of trading. Let me give you some perspective on this. Lets say you have a trading account and your trading just one lot, and you pick up 200 pips on one lot. Thats 2,000 And I just showed you several examples of trades that were up several hundred pips. In fact one of those trades was up over 600 pips. So seriously, you need to click here to get Forex Black Book . because were definitely going to sell out, so sign up now. Go ahead and do it right now. There are practical limits on the number of traders we can accept. Were not going to take in more people than what our customer support staff can handle. We are getting a fantastic response so we may shut this down at any hour. So, I strongly encourage you to sign up right now . before its too late. Remember, youll be getting access to the bank flow data as well through the Bank Flow Indicator. These levels are extremely reliable, and if you remember in the video above, I stepped you through several weeks worth of market movement and I showed you how consistently the market stayed within the bounds of these levels. This really is a missing piece of the puzzle that will allow you to finally make money consistently as a trader. Dont Miss Out on the Power of the Bank Flow Indicator You Could Potentially Make Thousands of Pips in Just a Few Weeks with this Tool, Just Like I Did. And remember, youve got a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Friends, I could go on and on about this system, but seriously, its time for you to click the add to cart button right now . and Ill see you on the inside. PS: I urge you to click the add to cart button and get started on improving the quality of your life. Im confident youll be thrilled at what you learn and the money youll be making. It will happen for you. Dont delay. Make your purchase right now. PPS: The number of slots for is this limited, and I expect them to go quickly. Click here right now to ensure you wont miss out on learning to profit with the Forex Black Book trading system. PPPS: This is the most exciting trading system ever devised for Forex trading. Once you receive your software, theres no waiting. You can get started today. Click Here right now. The Forex Black Book Priority Order Form Dustin, I cant wait to get started learning this simple, easy-to-use, and consistently profitable trading system. I understand that once my order is authorized, you will process my order promptly and give me access to the system online, so I can immediately get started . I understand Ill learn the exact methods that have helped you make millions for your clients. I understand Ill receive a total value of about 15,000 . including: Forex Black Book Trading System - a value of 10,000. Three Months Access to the Complete Set of Black Book Indicators - A value of 297 The 5 Module Training Course - A value of 997 Three Months Access To The Bank Flow Data - A value of 2,397 Three Months Access To The Trade Finder Software - A value of 597 Three Months Access To The Traders Room - A value of 537 I understand that if Im not happy-- FOR ANY REASON then I can email you within the 30 days, and Ill receive 100 of my money back . No questions asked. I understand that neither you nor anyone else has made any income promises as my income is dependent on my own efforts. Single Payment of 1,997 or 3 monthly payments of just 832 Mikhail C. Brooklyn, NY I love that bank strategy. I already closed 6 trades USDCHF, 1092 profits. I opened new position yesterday at 1.838. I only trade 5 mini lots at a time. I would like to continue to receive more information because this is awesome. Ryan Orme, Rexbury, ID I have profited over 6000 on the Cad trade alone. I watched from the sidelines on the CHF trade but it built my confidence. Please continue the information feed. Harry L. Liverpool, United Kingdom I have done well with the CHF trades (profit 1,400 on three lots). Jess H. Oklahoma City, OK I HAVE profited from it around 150 pips AND I didnt manage the trades properly or I would have made considerably more. So I am very pleased with the bank flow data. Glenn S. Jacksonville, FL Profited 92 pips on two positions in the EURUSD short trade. Mark M, Glendale, AZ. Picked up 112 pips on the EUR and 152 on CHF. Took 3 positions on CAD position and closed 2 with 80 pips combined and a loss of 13. Frequently Asked Questions What is the Forex Black Book The Forex Black Book is a multi-component tool that helps traders find the most highly profitable trade scenarios. The two main components are the trend identifier (direction to trade) which gives the trader a trend bias and the signal identifier (when to enter) which tells the trader when momentum is shifting in the direction of the trend bias and the optimal time when to enter a trade. Some of the other components of the Forex Black Book are the Bank Flow Levels, which display on the charts where large volumes of buy or sell orders are sitting from the institutional level and the TradeFinder, which combs through every single currency pair searching for the next trade signal. What is the large red and green bar at the bottom of the charts This is the trend identifier. Red means a down trend bias and green means and uptrend bias. What are the arrows on the chart and what do I do with them The arrows are the trade identifier signal. Green arrows indicate a buy signal, red arrows indicate a sell signal and yellow arrows indicate buy or sell with caution. The ideal scenario is that the trend color and the signal color agree. What are the U1-4 and D1-4 levels on the right side of the chart These are the Up targets and Down targets. In a buy the U targets are used as the take profit levels. In a sell the D targets are used as the take profit levels. How are the triggers, take profit and stop loss levels calculated The take profit levels are automatically displayed on the screen as U1-4 and D1-4. The stop loss levels are based on technical analysis and the last support or resistance to the left on the chart. Our triggers are not disclosed to protect the source. What pairs does this work on It can be used on any currency pair. The idea is to trade currencies that are the more trending type. For instance you would want to stay away from the EURGBP because its very slow moving. What time frames does the Forex Black Book work on The trend indicator will display on any time frame chart, but the signal indicators appear only on the 4 hour because that is how the strategy works. Why dont I see arrows on any other time compression You will only see the signal arrows on the 4 hour chart because this is where the signals are generated. Arrows on any other compression would be a false signal. Do you always start a trade at 4 minisstandardsmicros Yes this is correct. A person does not have to but its the ideal scenario considering the different profit levels built into the system (4 take profit levels). You can also trade in multiples of 4 units also. Are there always 4 levels of take profit If the pair comes close to a TP level, how close do you start clearing out trades Since we are working with such large targets I just look for it to get pretty close. I normally wait for it to hit but if I see it hit and miss the perfect exit I will still close some down even if it has fallen off by 15 or so pips. You can use your own judgment or rules on how close you want trades to be before taking profit. What happens when an arrow in the opposite direction appears when you are in a trade Nothing, a person could close an open position, but typically I ignore it. The reversal arrows are there because some people may want to scalp in the other direction which means technically both could be successful trades. This would only be the option for traders that are allowed to hedge. How much does the system cost 1,997 with a recurring charge of 79 after 3 months for the Black Book Indicator, daily trade room and Trade Finder service. The bankflow data and indicator is an additional 279 per month after the initial 3 months expires. What does the system come with With the main 1997 Forex Black Book Purchase they get access to the Forex Black Book software. This includes the Forex Black Book indicator for 90 days then a 79 monthly payment kicks in - this payment is for the FBB software, the trade finder and the trade room (Rosss trade room). It also includes 90 days of the Bank Flow and after that a 297 monthly payment kicks in. You can choose to keep either of those options after the initial period. So for instance if you choose you can keep just the Forex Black Book indicator or just the Bank Flow. Included in the purchase is also a Trade Finder which points out when there is a trade opportunity in Forex Black Book. How Long Will It Take to Start Making Money With the Black Book Software Potentially as soon as your very next trade, as soon as the market opens again. In just 30 minutes, you can start making profits. It is all so easy so that 15-20 minutes are enough to download, install, and run the software. However, you will want to watch all of the training videos to boost your confidence level. Why Are You Keeping This Offer Open Only For A Limited Time Because we offer top-notch customer support, and we intend to keep it that way. We put a lot of money into our support department because as a Black Book user, you should expect to get great support, we agree with you on that. But to maintain the highest standards of support, we cannot allow thousands and thousands of traders to register in a short period. So we open and close registration based on feedback from our support department. How Can I Be Sure the Black Book Software Will Work For Me Great question, and that is why we allowed traders to download and test a fully functional copy of it, so you could prove it to yourself. If you did not get a chance to evaluate the software andor TradeFinder, dont worry, your purchase is covered by a full 30 day money-back guarantee, so you can invest without worry, and confirm for yourself that this software does exactly what we have shown you that it can do. But you must take action to prove it to yourself. Doubt and skepticism are fine, but its up to you to get yourself onto the playing field and make yourself available to the wealth that The black Book software is capable of creating for you. And if you run into any issues, our customer support team is here to serve you. What Is The Next Step After I Register Once you click the Add to Cart button below, you will be taken to the Secure Registration Page. Submit that form, and then you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes. Shortly thereafter, you will receive another email with your login details to the members support website, where you will be able to access the software and all items in this package, including the training videos and bonuses. You can be using the Black Book indicator and TradeFinder and the Bank Flow bonus indicatoras soon as the next time the market opens What About Losses How Common Are They Losses are not uncommon, we want to be clear about that, particularly when the market has been following a strong trend and then starts to level off. The strategy is designed to make you the majority of your pips when the market is trending strongly, and if you follow our guidelines, gains here more than make up for small losses that happen along the way. It is possible, if you start using the Black Book strategy and indicator just as the market is leveling off, that your first few trades are losses. However, if you follow our risk and money management guidelines that you will be trained on, your losses should generally be limited to no more than 2 to 4 yet your gains are more like 15 to 20. The key is to use the software long enough for the markets to trend. If you look back in history it catches almost every major move in the markets. Watch the video below where I show longer term performance and discuss why losses occur. This will help you understand the strategy better. Your results may vary and past results are not indicative of future results. You could lose some or all of your money. Trade Example Disclaimers - Any live trade examples on this site are for demonstrationtraining purposes only and do not suggest or imply that you will experience the same results. They are not provided as a means of demonstrating the potential profit of our strategy but merely to demonstrate the proper way to implement it in a live market situation losses do occur and you may lose some or all of your money. U. S.Government Required Disclaimer - Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Muligheten er at du kan opprettholde et tap av noen eller hele din opprinnelige investering, og derfor bør du ikke investere penger som du ikke har råd til å tape. Du bør være oppmerksom på alle risikoene forbundet med valutahandel, og søk råd fra en uavhengig finansiell rådgiver hvis du er i tvil. Klar forstå dette: Informasjon som inngår i dette kurset er ikke en invitasjon til å handle noen spesifikke investeringer. Trading krever risikere penger i jakten på fremtidig gevinst. Det er din beslutning. Ikke risiker noen penger du ikke har råd til å tape. Dette dokumentet tar ikke hensyn til dine egne økonomiske og personlige forhold. Det er ment kun for utdanningsformål og IKKE som individuelle investeringsråd. Ikke handle på dette uten råd fra din investeringsprofessor, hvem vil verifisere hva som passer for dine spesifikke behov. Unnlatelse av å søke detaljert profesjonelt personlig skreddersydd råd før opptreden kan føre til at du opptrer i strid med dine egne interesser, og kan føre til tap av kapital. CFTC REG 4.41 - HYPOTETISKE ELLER SIMULERTE RESULTATRESULTATER HAR VISSE BEGRENSNINGER. I FORBINDELSE MED EN AKTUELL PRESTASJONSOPPTAK, FORTSATT SIMULERTE RESULTATER IKKE VIRKELIG HANDEL. OGSÅ SOM HANDLINGENE IKKE ER UTFØRT, HAR RESULTATENE KRAVET FORVERKET FOR KONSEKVENSEN, OM NOEN, AV VISSE MARKEDSFAKTORER, SOM SIKKER LIKVIDITET. SIMULERTE HANDELSPROGRAMMER I ALMINDELIGE ER OGSÅ FØLGENDE AT DE ER DESIGNERT MED HINDSIGHT. INGEN REPRESENTASJON SKAL GJORT AT ENKEL KONTO VIL ELLER ER LIKELIG Å HENT RESULTAT ELLER TAP SOM LIKKER SOM VISES. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FTC GUIDE LINES CONCERNING USE OF ENDORSEMENTS AND TESTIMONIALS IN ADVERTISING, LET US MAKE YOU AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: TESTIMONIALS APPEARING ON THIS SITE ARE ACTUALLY RECEIVED VIA TEXT, AUDIO OR VIDEO SUBMISSION. THEY ARE INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCES, REFLECTING REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES OF THOSE WHO HAVE USED OUR PRODUCTS ANDOR SERVICES IN SOME WAY OR OTHER. HOWEVER, THEY ARE INDIVIDUAL RESULTS AND RESULTS DO VARY. WE DO NOT CLAIM THAT THEY ARE TYPICAL RESULTS THAT CONSUMERS WILL GENERALLY ACHIEVE. THE TESTIMONIALS ARE NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL OF THOSE WHO WILL USE OUR PRODUCTS ANDOR SERVICES. THE TESTIMONIALS DISPLAYED (TEXT, AUDIO ANDOR VIDEO) ARE GIVEN VERBATIM EXCEPT FOR CORRECTION OF GRAMMATICAL OR TYPING ERRORS. SOME HAVE BEEN SHORTENED MEANING NOT THE WHOLE MESSAGE RECEIVED BY THE TESTIMONY WRITER IS DISPLAYED, WHEN IT SEEMED LENGTHY OR NOT THE WHOLE TESTIMONIAL SEEMED RELEVANT FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC. GPSI, LLC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THE OPINIONS OR COMMENTS POSTED TO OUR SITE. GPSI, LLC IS NOT A FORUM FOR TESTIMONIALS, HOWEVER PROVIDES TESTIMONIALS AS A MEANS FOR CUSTOMERS TO SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCES WITH ONE ANOTHER. TO PREVENT AGAINST ABUSE, ALL TESTIMONIALS APPEAR AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN REVIEWED BY MANAGEMENT OF GPSI, LLC. GPSI, LLC DOES NOT SHARE THE OPINIONS, VIEWS OR COMMENTARY OF ANY TESTIMONIALS ON THIS SITE, AND ARE STRICTLY THE VIEWS OF THE REVIEWER. Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikasjon på fremtidige resultater. This website does not make any representation whatsoever that the above mentioned trading systems might be or are suitable or that they would be profitable for you. Please realize the risk involved with trading Forex investments and consult an investment professional before proceeding. The trading systems herein described have been developed for sophisticated traders who fully understand the nature and the scope of the risks that are associated with trading. Should you decide to trade any or all of these systems signals, it is your decision. There are both live and demo performance results provided through this website. Demo performance results displayed on this website are hypothetical in that they represent trades made in a demonstration (quotdemoquot) account. The trades placed in the demo account take into consideration the spread between the bid and ask prices which would have been paid by a trader if an actual trade was made. Transaction prices were determined by assuming that buyers received the ask price and sellers the bid price of quotes provided by a large Forex broker. The live accounts displayed are actual accounts being traded with real money however the performance displayed on these accounts is not indicative of future results and there is no guarantee that you would have experienced the same results had you been trading the strategy in the past. This Refund Policy states in full our policy regarding refunds of membership fees, fees paid for services, andor fees paid for products. Different productsprograms will hold different refund periods. If no refund period is stated on the sales page or order page than you can assume the program offers No Refunds. For productsprograms that do state a refund period that period (in consecutive calendar days) does begin on the day the initial purchase is made (please note that the charge may take multiple days to process therefore your bank statement is not an accurate reflection of the start date of this policy). If you are offered the ability to upgrade a monthly program to a complete ownership access there is no refund period associated with this upgrade. By purchasing this upgrade you are in fact stating you want to continue with the software. Many of our productsprograms do offer a trial period for the productprogram to be evaluated. In the case of a monthly subscription there are no refunds issued once the new month has been paid for. Please see the quotCancellationquot section for details and instructions on cancellation of your productprogram. To cancel your subscription please email us at cancelmytotalsupport at least 24 hours prior to your renewal date. If your cancellation requests is not made 24 hours prior to your renewal date, then you will be charged for an additional month (per your agreement) and any cancellation request at this time will go into affect 30 days from the most recent renewal date. Cancellation requests can not be processed by phone or voice-mail. Global Profit Systems International, LLC 6999-02 Merrill Rd. Suite 251, Jacksonville, FL 32277 (904) 638-1990 mtmytotalsupport Terms of ServicePrivacy PolicyForex Black Book, Forex Black Book Trading Software, Indicators Download, Review Forex Black Book Download, Dustin Pass Review. Forex Black Book Membership Site Dustin Pass is releasing The Forex Black Book will be available for consumer use. This proprietary software has been used by Dustin Pass for a many years. Hes finally decided to bring it to the people. Weve known Dustin Pass for over 5 years and this trading product is shaping up to be a real good one. Weve Beta tested for several products in the past, but this one just made a lot of sense. We know the majority of information on this site is about Binary options, but this is a great complement to Binary Trading. It allows you to day trade the binaries and look more long term on the Forex market. By going through this Forex Black Book Review you will learn about what it is, how it works, and how you can take advantage of it. These top rated forexblack book explain mechanisms hidden behind fluctuations of the forex markets. They teach how to use state-of-the-art econometric methods to forecast forex black rates. They often discuss in detail the latest models applied by professional traders in big banks and hedge funds. If you want to get even more insight, you may be interested also in books on financial engineering or other topics listed on the left side of this page. All the books featured at the Forex Learning Site are shipped from Amazon. Although you can buy them conveniently on our website, your checkout will be finalized on Amazons secure servers. What is the Forex Black Book It is important to understand what this software is all about. In essence, it is a Metatrader 4.0 (MT4) indicator that uses a proprietary trading strategy developed by Dustin and his crew. It uses moving averages that arent on the charts themselves, but embedded into the trading indicator code. Although it is very comprehensive and intricate, the user side of the program is very easy to follow. We will discuss some of the trades we witnessed while using the product. You may think, wait, another indicator, but once you see proof it works then youll understand. During the beta testing phase, we were given a trimmed down version of what you as a traderconsumer will get when you buy it. This will make a huge difference when it comes to entering trades. Below is a screenshot of what you will see on your MT4 chart when you have it running live. As long as you are alerted to this trade you would be up a lot of pips. The strategy and finer details are built into the indicator so you wont see the squiggly lines all over the place. All you have to follow is price action . Some of the main features on the chart include: MT4 Trading Template Clean, simple and easy to setup Trend Indicator This tells you the current trend Target Levels These are the target levels when it comes to collecting profits Up Arrows Tells you when you should be buying Down Arrows Tells you when you should be selling. Four Hour Charts The time frame this runs on is a 4 hour chart Critical piece Obviously you will want to learn what is happening in the background and that will be taught to you by Dustins group. For now just focus on the arrows in the chart. An important aspect of trading the Forex Black Book is the time frame you use. In the beta model you had to set the chart to four hours. The live copy will automatically post a 4 hour chart for you. One of the many things we didnt get testing the software. We were asked by Forex Traders Daily not to show you some of the finer details of the software. Remember, we were using a beta copy, so we didnt have a lot of the cool features that live end users will get. Forex trading also referred as the foreign currency trading is the process of exchanging foreign currencies. The Forex trading will pay the way to achieve high profit if done in the right way. Investors should have a clear awareness about the trading trends. Forex black book review helps an investor in an efficient way about how to gain more profit through trading. Every investor should make use of the valuable resource in order to make the trading a significant way to earn more profit. The forex black book review offers useful information about the techniques that an investor needs to handle during the Forex trading. The Forex black book was developed by Dustin Pass for the benefit of the investors. Also an investor can make use of the Forex software which will enable easy conversion of a currency. An investor can easily convert the currency into the required from using the Forex software. The contents of the Forex black book will be in the programmable form and will be easy to follow and understand. The user of the Dustin pass Forex black book will absolutely learn the key aspects of the Forex trading. The new product of the Forex black book is going to be released in February 2013. Some Forex Black Book Results Again, without going into great detail here, weve seen some phenomenal results. We received the software in December, but we werent too keen on trading Forex, Binary Options or any other market for that matter during this time. We will show you a trade that was setup in December and a couple that occurred in the month of January. Remember this is not a scalpers paradise. This is for the longer term traders seeking out the big moves. Its all about peeling your trades as they go green. Take profits when in profit and look for the big continuation pattern. There were plenty of trade setups across the board, but we were only looking for the best. Some of the currency pairs we were watching included: EURNZD, EURJPY, USDCHF, GBPJPY, EURCAD, and the CADJPY. Which currency pair will be up to you, but these are the ones we liked watching with the Blackbook. Here are a Few Forex Black Book Trading Examples This first trade occurred in early December. Several things were working here. We saw a nice four days of consolidation near a support level after a serious move down. Once the arrow popped on the screen a trade could be placed. Notice the trend which is the green banner at the bottom, was also in the right direction. The second trade we want to show you occurred in January. We are looking at the USDCHF on this trade. Notice how the trend was Red in the indicator at the bottom. You can see a bunch of green arrows, but we were only looking for Red arrows. You want the two to synchronize. Finally a trade alerted us to the short side. You can see two opportunities setup within a few days. As we write this review, price is still moving in the right direction. Had you pulled some off the table you could watch the rest run. Again, you are looking for deep moves and need to be patient. This shows a clear move to the short side once the arrow appeared. The third trade happened this week as well. Notice the solid green trend indicator telling us to only look to the north side. On January 9th we were alerted to take a long trade. Since then, t he trade is up over 400 pips in just a couple of days. Obviously the move was super strong, but it allowed us to get in it. You may want to buy the software right now. This is what your Trade Station will look like when you have winning trades with Forex BlackBook Of course we had a high flying market the past few days, but being alerted to get in before it happens was perfect. What are the Yellow Arrows The Yellow arrows are caution trade options. Meaning you can take a trade, but use caution. Trade smaller amounts. What if Red Arrow appears on a Green Trend Although the short term is showing a put or short trade, you must stick with the current FTD trend. Is there an alert software within the system Yes, although we didnt have access to the Trade Finder Software during the beta phase, there will be one with the BlackBook package. Keep an eye out during the webinars. SMS, email and Desktop alerts. How do you know when to exit in profit This will be up to you as a trader and your risk level. As you can see in the charts above there are U1, U2, U3, D1, D2, and D3. These are the targets you are going after. Where do you place a stop loss Usually you would want it just below the nearest support level for a long trade and just above the resistance level for a short trade. Make this level an area where it would have a chance to bouncereverse and keep you in the money. Is money management calculated in the trades This isnt calculated, but could be taught in the trading room sessions. This is definitely something you want to consider. Weve only had access to the Forex Black Book software for a short period of time. We are extremely excited to be part of this software launch. Its been fun testing it and we are happy to bring this honest review to you. It makes trading long term a lot easier and gives you access to the big moves you never knew you could find. With the simplicity of the product, there will be a lot of happy people soon after the sales date. To learn more information about this product you can click here. Forex Black Book, advantage you need in the very competitive Forex market. Forex Black Book, Download. Black Book Review. Forex Black Book Software Indicators are used for identifying, or even creating patterns from the chaos of the currency market. In all cases, they receive the raw market data as the basic input, and manipulate it in differing ways to create (as opposed to discover) actionable trading scenarios. The natural consequence of this description is that indicators are not tools of prediction. Instead, they are used to give order to the price data, so that it is possible to identify possible opportunities which can be exploited profitably by the trader. No indicator is right or wrong with respect to the signals that it emits, but each of them must be used with an appropriate money management strategy in order to deliver the desired results. There are many different kinds of indicators, and it is not at all a hard task to define ones own tools for the purpose of evaluating the market provided that a basic literacy in averages is attained, what is desired from the created indicator is made clear. Different constructions will lead to differing techniques which can then be employed most effectively as part of a trading strategy. So you can regard indicators as your compass and ruler in navigating waves of the forex market. We would use a compass or a ruler to predict when or where a storm will hit, but every sailor knows their usefulness in defining a path over the high seas. Use your indicators to plan your journeys in forex, while protecting your funds with proper money management techniques, and all will be well for you. Thank you for stopping in and checking out our Forex Black Book Review . by the time you are done reading this, youll have all the details around this new product to make an informed decision on this new trading system. Forex Black Book is being released by the CEO of Forex Traders Daily and Professional Forex Trader, Dustin Pass. While Dustin has managed plenty of Forex Launches by Forex Traders Daily, such as Straddle Trader Pro, Oracle Trader, and Trade Vantage, he has never released one of his personal trading systems, until today. In this Forex Black Book Review we will explain what the system does, how the software provides you with clear trade signals, how the signals appear on you chart, what you get with the package, and how much the Forex Black Book system will cost. Forex Black Book Review: What is It This is Dustin Pass personal trading system that he uses on his managed accounts (Accounts he manages for other people in excess of 500,000 each). However, he didnt want to hand the blueprint of the manual system he uses to tons of traders and just sell it as a currency trading book, so he programmed his system into a series of indicators which makes up the software that we will discuss in this Forex Black Book Review. The system was designed to do 3 things: 1. Clearly show traders what side of the market they should trade on 2. Eliminate indecision by showing exactly when to stay out of the market and when to get in 3. Clearly show traders profit targets and stop loss targets for each and every trade Forex Black Book Review: How Does It Work This software is very straight forward as you will see from the trade example screenshot of the AUDUSD currency pair below. From our Forex Black Book Review, you will see that Beginners to Experienced traders will be able to use the software from Day 1. Lets take a look at this example: Forex Black Book Review As you can see, the Forex Black Book software maps out a Trend, Buy and Sell Indicators, Take Profit and Stop Loss Targets. In this example, we have the Trend at the bottom of our chart, which is Red and indicates we should only take Sell signals. So, we waited for a Red Arrow pointing down, which signifies sell and we opened a trade to sell when this arrow popped on our screen. Additionally, the software maps out four take profit targets, of which you can only see two on this screen (D1 and D2 targets), so the software provides you with 4 levels to phase out of your trade. In this case, I simply placed my profit target right below D1 as I was testing out the system for this Forex Black Book Review on Day 1. It also provides a stop loss target which is to high up on the chart to be seen in this example, but it is there. So now youve seen a sell position being placed, but lets take a look at a look at a buy position for our Forex Black Book Review. Take a look at the EURAUD trade below: Forex Black Book EUR-AUD trade In this example, you will see the Trend indicator shows Green which tells us to only place buy positions. So we wait for a Green Arrow to pop up on the screen. When we have the green arrow, we enter a buy position. Additionally, on this screenshot you can see we would place our stop loss at the D1 position and our Take Profit 1 at U1 and Take Profit 2 at the U2 levels (U3 and U4 are at higher levels which are not pictured here). CLICK HERE To Secure Your Copy of Forex Black Book As you can see from these examples of the Forex Black Book Review, all entry points, take profit levels, and stop loss levels are clearly defined with no guess work. Additionally, the rules of the system are dead simple: Place a buy when the trend is green and you get a green arrow. Place a sell when the trend is red and you get a red arrow. It doesnt get much easier than that. Forex Black Book Software and Bonus For a limited time, you can download the software from our Forex Black Book Review and give the system a test run on your own to see how you like. Simply download Forex Black Book Below: We are also offering our own Forex Black Book Bonus for those who secure their copy through our website. Just CLICK HERE to go to our Forex Black Book Bonus page (opens in a new browser) to see the details on how you can claim your bonus just by purchasing through our Forex Black Book Review site. Forex Black Book Review . How Much Will It Cost Traders will have two options when they purchase the Forex Black Book system. There is an option for a one time payment of 1997 or a 3 payment option of 832. Now obviously, you can save some money just by using the one payment option (about 500). Additionally, there is a 30 day money back guarantee on your purchase. So, if for any reason you find that Forex Black Book is not right for you, simply request a refund before 30 days, and you will be refunded for your purchase. In other words, youll have 30 additional days to test out the system before you need to make your final decision. In our Analysis from writing this Forex Black Book Review, if you compare the Black Book system to others released onto the market, you will find that the price is very comparable and I will say that with this system, there is a lot more value compared to other systems (that simply provide a forex trading book) released in the recent past. Lastly, and much like other systems of value, Forex Black Book wont stay on the market forever. Usually, they are only opened up for a few days to a week and then they close so the program provider can get started on training their new customers right away. And now that you have read our Forex Black Book Review and have all the details needed to make your decision, make sure you get your copy before its too late.

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